The tactile glove used in RiMM’s disaster experience is equipped with a pain function that reproduces pain. Please refer to the introduction of this function that reproduces pain in episodes 305, 306, 307, and 308 of the Creation Blog. The pain sensation is reproduced by applying a high-frequency discharge pulse to the fingertips of the hand. The discharge pulse works by creating a pulse-like pain sensation by accumulating a certain amount of charge that a person can tolerate in an inductance coil and then releasing it. We are developing equipment to check the reproduction of pain sensation during the unit manufacturing process and maintenance. The figure below is a test unit that checks the discharge pulse.
Test probes (red and black clips) are clamped to two electrodes on the finger that will discharge pain sensation and the discharge signal output is confirmed. Inside the unit, a circuit is made up of several ICs that detect the discharge signal and display the OK/NG result of the test on an LED.