74. Mr. RiMM Dialogue 4-2

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Question 4. Is there a solution other than VR for safety education? I would like to continue to consult with you in order to improve safety.

“Answer 4” RiMM has 3 levels, 3 types each, and a total of 9 types of products for safety and security. We are a company that enlightens safety and security, not a VR company, so there are many products that use technologies other than VR. We will recommend the most safe and effective method, so please feel free to contact us.

Question 5. How should I use it for people who are scared?

“Answer 5” People who are afraid are originally highly sensitive. If the experiencer offers to abstain, please stop the experience immediately. If you force it, you may cause post-traumatic PTSD, so please do not experience it. For those who are afraid, just checking the disaster environment and showing the image before the disaster occurs (without experiencing the disaster) will be effective enough. In addition, the intensity of RiMM’s disaster experience can be adjusted. Please adjust accordingly according to your personal characteristics.

RiMM started development as a product in 2013 based on more than 10 years of development experience and accumulation. In 2016, we announced an occupational accident experience scenario as a standard product, and we have continued to improve the product by making daily improvements in response to the voices of users. We will continue to provide products with repeated improvements based on the idea of ​​cyclone.