Now let’s think about resilience. Resilience in a disaster is to be able to respond flexibly and strongly in the event of a disaster, and to cultivate the ability to recover. It is important to prepare on a daily basis to increase resilience.
- Strengthen disaster response capabilities through continuous learning.
- Cultivate the ability to recover quickly after a disaster strikes
- Experience failures to develop intuition and prepare for instant judgment and action.
- Increase adaptability and flexibility with alternative strategies
- Prepare multiple backups and alternatives in advance and accumulate reserve capacity
Psychologically, we will strengthen our self-esteem, maintain our spirit through “optimistic thinking” even in difficult situations, strengthen our social skills (problem-solving ability, interpersonal skills), and establish a system for social support throughout society. I need to keep it. Resilience evaluation will continue to be evaluated and strengthened based on three items.
・Resistant power

With the rapid changes in the global environment in recent years, the environment in which people live has changed dramatically. As the global environment changes, the possibility of natural disasters occurring and affecting the social environment is increasing. People need to go back to the starting point, carry out activities to maintain a safe and secure state, and think about a mechanism to continue those activities. When people experience disasters, they know the fear of disasters and their sensitivity to danger increases. After several years have passed since the disaster, people tend to forget about the disaster and their susceptibility to danger drops significantly. This is to keep people mentally stable by forgetting negative experiences. Mental stability leads to people’s peace of mind, but danger sensitivity is lost. It is necessary to maintain a balance between these conflicting situations. In order to have a strong mind, it is necessary to experience failure without fear, acquire the ability to overcome difficult situations, and constantly train your intuition. By training and sharpening your intuition, you will increase your survival rate when you are forced to make a decision in the event of a disaster. At the same time, it is important to raise the susceptibility to danger and seriously learn how to deal with disasters, and at the same time cultivate the ability to maintain mental stability while cultivating the ability to deal with disasters. Negative experiences create negative emotions and increase risk sensitivity. However, if you stimulate negative emotions in a different direction, mental disorders will occur. Therefore, we must have a good understanding of the types of negative emotions. Here we will organize the negative emotions that arise through negative experiences.
“Hate” is an alert to avoid things that are dangerous to human survival
“Anxiety” is a physiological phenomenon that cannot be avoided.
“Fear” is an emotion that imagines death
“Scary” Feelings that you want to avoid due to fear of bad results
The important point is that “scary” and “afraid” are very different. In addition to the negative emotions presented here, “disgusting” emotions can cause disorders and need to be eliminated. For safety and security, we must work to improve resilience with a good understanding of each individual’s emotions. Resilience is flexible and strong, and It is the power to recover. It is a strong and flexible spirit.
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