78. ​​Until the heart is born Episode 2 “Neuroception”

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Have you ever heard the word neuroception? Neuroception is a coined word by Steohan W. Porges. Neuroception is a term explained in Stephen Poges’ Polyvagal Theory. Neuroception describes the decision-making process for identifying whether an environment is safe, dangerous, or life threatening. The sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nerves are involved in neuroception. There are two parasympathetic nerves, the ventral vagal complex and the dorsal vagal complex (the ventral and dorsal vagus nerves that distinguish the vagus nerve). It is a mechanism in which the neural circuit distinguishes the current state while the three nerve systems, including the nerves, interact with each other.

Although it is a very complicated theory, the mechanism that generates human emotions is a mechanism that is protected by the triple nervous system and distinguishes emotions by interaction. The sympathetic nerve responds to danger, the ventral vagus nerve complex (social engagement) responds to safety, and the dorsal vagus nerve complex (passive). Immobilizing defensive behavior (“defensive behavior”) reacts to the dangers of life. This mechanism is called the multiple stray theory “Polyvagal Theory”.

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