14. Sharing disaster information

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

What is disaster information sharing?

There are items to be careful about in order to share disaster information.

1. Do not let people specify the place of occurrence

2. Do not let people identify the people or groups involved

3. Don’t make disasters look like other people

4. Organize the occurrence situation and convey it in an easy-to-understand manner

5. Make people feel scared and raise awareness of danger

For disasters that have occurred, it is necessary to share disaster information and use it effectively. Therefore, it is important to evaluate and reconsider from various aspects such as the occurrence situation and cause of disasters, how to prevent them, what lessons can be used in the future, and manage and share while improving the quality of information.

Build a disaster database to make unknown disasters known

Lim will build a mechanism to visualize the disaster occurrence situation that leads to danger prediction and to know it as knowledge. It is communicated by VR virtual reality that raises the awareness of danger by experiencing the disaster from the person’s eyes. Build a base for disasters as useful information.

We will build the disasters that have occurred as teaching materials that can be intuitively seen and experienced, and share them as safety knowledge. This allows you to replace unknown disasters with known disasters. By considering disaster countermeasures as known disasters, it is possible to prevent the recurrence of the same disaster and reduce the damage. By repeatedly reviewing and improving the disaster database, the quality of the information will improve and it will evolve into useful information. In this way, the RiMM repeats the safety improvement operation to improve safety. (Figure: Disaster database = Parabolic antenna construction makes the unknown known and approaches a safer direction.)