Our definition of safety is “protection of one’s body.” Peace of mind means “keep peace of mind.” We are working on safety and keep peace of mind to connect human and the future of the earth. We think about the global environment where human live for peace of mind. To understand the Earth, we need to study the mechanism by which the universe is born. It is believed that the universe began with the Big Bang, where gravity was generated by uneven dark matter, and through collisions of matter, the clumps that form the basis of stars were born. It is thought that the heat generated by repeated collisions between the star and the mass of material and the cooling of the star caused heat to accumulate in the center and form a magma chamber. It is believed that water was brought to stars by particles of matter colliding with them from space. It is thought that over many years, rain and lightning occurred on stars with heat storage and water, and life arose in an environment where the conditions for the generation of organic amino acids were met. Living organisms are thought to have evolved over long periods of time and through genetic mutations.

When studying the birth of the universe, it becomes necessary to focus on the substances that are thought to have formed the universe. Considering the existence of matter, we cannot ignore the existence of elementary particles that form matter. When studying the structure of elementary particles, it becomes necessary to study vibrations, waves, and string theory. Based on these facts, we will unravel the universe and the birth of the earth, which is the environment in which humans exist. Next, let’s think about genes, which are the blueprint for humans. It is believed that life-threatening experiences are transmitted to descendants through genes. Therefore, the information that becomes the animal’s emotions is recorded in its genes. This means that information about life-threatening experiences is somehow recorded in our genes. Genetic memory, which influences people’s emotions, is important when considering security. Until now, it was thought that evolution occurs when mutations occur due to transcription errors that occur when genes are transcribed into mRNA, and if the mutations match the laws of nature, genes continue to exist, and organisms change and evolve. . Recently, it has been confirmed that there are plants that mutate by rewriting their own genes. The fact that plants have the ability to rewrite their own genes may soon prove that humans have the same ability. Important experiences that affect a person’s life or death may be recorded in the genes by the person themselves, and when considering safety and security, it is possible to rewrite the memory information recorded in the genes. It shows potential and is attracting a lot of attention.