The Earth is constantly active, and various substances circulate, forming the Earth’s environment. As various substances continue to circulate, the Earth continues to live just like living things. The important circulations in the formation of the Earth’s environment are the mechanisms of water circulation, atmosphere circulation, and soil circulation. The circulation of water, along with the circulation of the atmosphere, greatly affects the weather. The circulation of the atmosphere involves all living things on Earth. The soil continues to circulate as the crustal plates are active in accordance with the activity inside the Earth, dispersing energy. These activities show that the Earth is a living planet. Studying the circulation of soil, water, and atmosphere is important to understand the living Earth. Understanding the living Earth leads to observing the environment in which people live. We believe that learning about the Earth leads to people’s safety and security.

Some living things help form the environment as they migrate around the Earth. Representative living things that migrate widely around the Earth’s environment include migratory birds that migrate through the atmosphere and horseflies that ride the wind and travel long distances. Whales and other creatures also migrate in the water, living while fulfilling their respective roles. The Earth continues to function through all of these cycles. It seems that each living organism on Earth has a role to play and continues to live. We believe that studying the global environment in which humans live and thinking about how to respond to disasters and the environment in which humans live will lead to peace of mind for living organisms. We will begin our study by focusing on the three cycles.