We started our VR business in 2001, and in 2005 we started supporting disability prevention learning programs using VR technology together with research institutions. Due to ethical concerns, we will propose and realize a communication method that reduces the risk of psychological damage caused by visual expression. After that, I was involved in the research and development of robots that generate tactile sensations. Motion capture using image processing detects a person’s posture and reproduces it in virtual space. It simulates the contact between objects in virtual space in real time and generates the sensation of touching the hand through vibration. This is a technology that uses a dedicated microcomputer board to reduce control overhead and reduce transmission delays to generate human touch sensations in real time. In response to the request to reproduce the sensation of pain in safety education, we will develop a pain sensation generation unit whose electrical discharge is controlled by a microcomputer. At the same time, we will develop a unique generation unit for the sense of balance, the skin sense of gravity and temperature, and the sense of smell to reproduce the smell of gas leaks.

Starting in 2014, the way we approach safety and keep peace of mind will change. Negative experiences that convey fear through the five senses may carry the risk of developing psychological disorders and must be prevented. In cooperation with a medical research institution, we will conduct an experiment to observe biological signals and detect changes in the body while providing an aversive experience using VR. In 2016, we obtained a patent for confirming the characteristics of each person by subjectively or objectively evaluating them before and after the VR experience and optimizing the level of stimulation of the five senses during the experience. We will begin full-scale research on emotional evaluation in 2019. This is because I came to the conclusion that in order to generate emotions through the five senses, it is necessary to learn about human characteristics and the mechanism by which emotions are transmitted. From 2020, we will begin testing the transmission of emotions through VR while studying human biological characteristics and the mechanisms of life. Starting in 2023, we will study the environment in which people live through natural science, astrophysics, etc., in order to bring peace of mind to people, and the project is currently underway to bring peace of mind to people.