111. We will consider means to ensure safety, enlighten our safety philosophy, and protect the safety of people and the earth. (7)

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Three-step education is effective for improving safety. First, learn about the environment in which a disaster occurs and the conditions and conditions under which the disaster will occur. Learn how to respond to disaster situations, ensure safety and protect yourself. Protective education is mainly education for sharing information on safety methods. People do not think that they will face a disaster and do not specifically consider the disaster as their own. People cannot take safety education seriously. This attitude is an obstacle to education. To learn seriously, you need to change your mindset. However, it is difficult and not easy to concentrate people’s consciousness on the purpose. Awareness improvement is often a social issue. Awareness reform will be tackled for each purpose. Safety education raises awareness of danger by actually experiencing negative emotions during a disaster. This is called risk sensitivity (ability to receive stimuli from the outside world) improvement education, and as a means to realize it, evolutionary VR that reproduces three or more senses is used to improve the effect.

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