24. Relationship with safety

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

RiMM was born in 2013. It took a long time to be established as a product. Since the 2000s, disaster reproduction images for danger prediction of infants, driving training simulators for improving driving skills, hazard mapping for accident prevention, crustal stress measuring devices for earthquake prediction, and accident response training simulators after commercialization of RiMM, We have been involved in safety for more than 15 years, including protection security simulators, disaster prevention training simulators, decommissioning work simulators, and disaster experience simulators.

Software for improving safety

 2005 Creation of disaster reproduction video for research institutes and prevention of infant disasters

 2007 Development of training simulator for railway companies

 2009 Development of fire prevention and waterproof treatment training simulator for government

 2009 Video creation for research institutes and prevention of traffic accidents for the elderly

 2011 Development of hazard mapping system for research institutes and commercial facilities

 2012 Security simulator development for research institutes

Strain cell attachment control & recording unit for earthquake prediction and crustal stress measurement

 2012 Development of crustal stress measurement control recording device for research institutes