150. Deriving safety and keep peace of mind from biochemistry and natural science.

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In order to guide the safety and security of the earth and people, we will add new natural science to the biochemistry and life sciences that we have studied so far. It is necessary to learn about the birth and activities of animals, plants, soil, metals, insects, bacteria, eukaryotes, etc. that are involved in the earth’s environment from the perspective of evolution. Learn about the circulation mechanisms of soil, water, atmosphere, and climate that make up the global environment, and study biology, botany, entomology, paleontology, and other studies focusing on marine animals, terrestrial animals, insects, and plants that live in the global environment. My research focuses on mineralogy. In order to realize a safe society, we believe that we cannot achieve peace of mind unless we comprehensively study various fields of study.

From now on,

“Safety is to protect your body” = Safety Blog,

“Safety is to keep your mind at peace” = Anshin Blog,

“Creation is born from overcoming challenges to achieve your goals” = Creation Blog,

Enlightenment is “to create an idea, prove it, and spread the idea” = Enlightenment Blog.

I will disseminate information according to the purpose with the four blogs